The quality management system, originally approved on July 06, 1995 and now certified according to EN ISO 9001:2015, provides confidence in the growing capability of the organization to comply with the requirements applicable to the products. The principle according to which the fulfillment of the customers’ and other interested parties needs and expectations leads the organization to the achievement of a sustained success is promoted throughout the organization. In June 2019, the QMS was integrated with the Environmental Management System to ISO 14001, which provides the organization with a systematic approach to manage its environmental responsibilities in a manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainable development.
Click Here!2021
ISO 9001
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EN ISO 3834-2
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EN 1090
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ISO 14001
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AQAP 2110
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Our Core Values
To achieve sustained success, in a complex, demanding, and ever-changing environment, the top management has adopted a quality and environmental approach.
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